Create a unique signature in just a few clicks

Snap a picture of your signature and remove the background.
Or drop an image
No picture on hand? Try with one of these
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How does our Signature Maker work?

What you need to know

Our Signature Maker utilizes the technology of our Background Remover Tool to extract signatures with unparalleled precision and accuracy, ensuring you can create personalized and polished signatures for your needs.

These are the steps

First, write your signature on a piece of paper and then take a picture. Upload this picture which automatically removes the background and your signature is available with a transparent background.

Last but not least

You can simply download the signature as a .png or .jpg and then upload or drag and drop it into Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other tool that you are using.

Add your real signature to your contracts

Nowadays, contracts are rarely signed with a real signature. By utilizing a digital signature, you can easily create, apply, and verify digital signatures, ensuring efficient and legally-binding transactions while eliminating the need for physical paperwork and in-person signings. This modern approach not only streamlines operations but also enhances the trust and reliability of electronic documentation in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

Your signature, beyond contracts

A digitized signature adds a personal and professional touch to various aspects of your work and creativity:

  • Personalized branding: Leave your mark on business cards, promotional items, or digital banners.

  • Art and creativity: Add authenticity to digital artworks, illustrations, or photos.

  • Gift customization: Make gifts like cards or certificates more special with your signature.

  • Professional communication: Add polish to emails, letters, or presentations effortlessly.

Boost productivity with AI tools

Leverage the signature generator and other AI tools to streamline your workflow and create stunning visuals effortlessly. From crafting professional brand materials to designing custom graphics, these tools save time while delivering polished, high-quality results. Perfect for improving productivity and taking your branding to the next level.

All the photo editing features for your brand

Create and edit visuals easily with Photoroom’s tools. Keep your brand looking sharp and consistent . All in one place.

Erase background

Remove backgrounds in just one click, making it easy to place your subject on a new backdrop.

Change background

Swap out backgrounds effortlessly to match your brand’s style and create the perfect setting for any image.

Generate images with AI

Create visuals by describing your concept, using AI to generate eye-catching content without stock photos.

Enhance your images

Adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness to perfect every detail. Fine-tune your photos for a perfect look.

Add effects and filters

Transform your photos. Whether you want a vintage feel, vibrant colors, or text overlays, it’s all just a click away

Share and export

Export your designs and easily share your creations across social media, websites, or marketing materials.

Resize your images

Resize your images for different platforms without losing quality. Optimize your designs with a click.

Collaborate easily

Work together in real-time with your team. Share designs and streamline feedback to keep projects moving.

API integration

Use Photoroom's API to automate workflows and simplify the way you manage and edit your brand’s visuals.

Add text to photo

Customize your images with text overlays. Choose from a variety of styles to create engaging messages.

Use Batch Mode

Save time by editing multiple images at once. Apply the same edits, effects, or resizing options across an entire batch.

AI Backgrounds Generator

Generate custom backgrounds with AI for a perfect match with your brand’s aesthetic.

Create a brand kit

Store your logos, fonts, and colors in one place to keep your branding consistent, ensuring a unified look.

Create logos with AI

Easily create a unique logo with AI. Photoroom’s AI logo generator simplifies the process, in seconds.

Access anywhere

Edit and manage your brand’s visuals from any device. Your designs are always within reach.

You asked, we answered

  • What is a signature generator?

  • How can I create a signature online for free?

  • What do you use an electronic signature for?

  • Is your signature generator free to use?

Go further with Photoroom

Want to unlock even more features to make your photos shine? With Photoroom Pro, you'll get access to useful features like Batch Editor, HD quality, Smart Resize, and more.

People love Photoroom

    Affordable and efficient

    Photoroom has turned my one-bedroom apartment into a professional photo studio. Rather than spending hours or thousands of dollars editing photos, Photoroom allows me to create pro photos in seconds, so not only does it make my photos look great, but it’s affordable & efficient.

    Sebastian Pilch
    Sebastian Pilch

    Reseller on eBay

    Suitable photos for my website

    I love being able to remove backgrounds from my pictures. I sell online, and when I take pictures, it's not always in a clean, uncluttered environment. I like how Photoroom gets rid of all of that and allows me to change the background to something more pleasing to the eye and suitable to place on my website.

    Sue Darte
    Sue Darte

    Small business owner

    A total game changer!

    I have been using Photoroom for almost 2 years now, mainly for Instagram. Photoroom is so user-friendly and makes my work complete. The Photoroom group on Facebook is super, with lots of tips and tricks and good communication with Photoroom if there is a problem.

    Jacob P.
    Jacob P.

    Content Creator

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Explore our free tools

Make your pictures pop with features that are completely free.
AI Background Remover
AI Backgrounds
Generate realistic backgrounds in less than a second
Blur background
Blur the background of your image automatically
AI Retouch
Remove unwanted parts of your image with a swipe