Color Splash: Black & White Background

Unlock the magic of stunning monochrome images and transform any background to captivating black and white while preserving the vibrant colors of your subjects.
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How can I only change the background color to black and white?

Step 1

Start with an image

You can either use Photoroom on your desktop or on your smartphone with the mobile app.

Either way, upload an image and then use the template 'Color Splash' to generate a black and white background – without changing the font colors.

Step 2

Adjust and transform the image

Explore additional editing options to customize your image. In the application, you can resize the image and add text using all the available editing features.

Photoroom's primary focus is on background removal, which will be at the center of most templates you encounter.

Step 3

Subscribe to be a Pro User

The advantage of being a Pro-User is having access to the tools AI Backgrounds (AI Background Generator) and AI Shadows (AI Shadow Generator).

Additionally, it allows you to remove the Photoroom watermark from your images and grants access to all the fun templates available.

Design black and white backgrounds

Incorporating monochromic backgrounds into your visuals can elevate their overall impact, leaving a lasting and memorable impression on your audience. Black and white backgrounds can help maintain a consistent and cohesive visual identity across your projects or brand, enhancing recognition and brand recall.

Eliminate (color) noise

By eliminating distracting colors, monochromatic backgrounds direct the viewer's attention to the main subject, making it stand out prominently. Black and white backgrounds give the photo an artistic aesthetic and make the subject in the foreground pop out. Add text to the image or resize it for Instagram to personalize it for your needs.

You asked, we answered

  • When is a black and white background useful?

  • What color text on black and white background?

  • Are there specific industries or contexts where black and white backgrounds are more suitable?

Explore more AI tools

AI Background Remover
Remove the background of your image automatically
AI Backgrounds
Generate realistic backgrounds in less than a second
Blur background
Blur the background of your image automatically
AI Retouch
Remove unwanted parts of your image with a swipe

People love Photoroom

    Affordable and efficient

    Photoroom has turned my one-bedroom apartment into a professional photo studio. Rather than spending hours or thousands of dollars editing photos, Photoroom allows me to create pro photos in seconds, so not only does it make my photos look great, but it’s affordable & efficient.

    Sebastian Pilch
    Sebastian Pilch

    Reseller on eBay

    Suitable photos for my website

    I love being able to remove backgrounds from my pictures. I sell online, and when I take pictures, it's not always in a clean, uncluttered environment. I like how Photoroom gets rid of all of that and allows me to change the background to something more pleasing to the eye and suitable to place on my website.

    Sue Darte
    Sue Darte

    Small business owner

    A total game changer!

    I have been using Photoroom for almost 2 years now, mainly for Instagram. Photoroom is so user-friendly and makes my work complete. The Photoroom group on Facebook is super, with lots of tips and tricks and good communication with Photoroom if there is a problem.

    Jacob P.
    Jacob P.

    Content Creator

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Want to unlock even more features to make your photos shine? With Photoroom Pro, you'll get access to useful features like Batch Editor, HD quality, Smart Resize, and more.