Create your personalized icon with AI

Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect icon in minutes!

Get inspired by our icon creations

Personalize the text, colors, font, names, and more with your own ideas!

Create an icon with your words and imagination

Break free templates and choose unique designs

Say goodbye to generic templates with Photoroom's AI-powered online icon generator. Simply share your ideas, and our AI creates custom icons that match your vision—fast, easy, and uniquely yours.

Create your icons to increase brand awareness

Increase your brand awareness with custom-designed icons that truly reflect your identity. Stand out from the competition by creating unique, eye-catching visuals, including logos, that leave a lasting impression

How do you use icons?

Icons are powerful tools that simplify and improve design clarity. They can be used for:

  • Navigation: Guide users with menu icons, like a hamburger menu or a search magnifying glass.

  • Actions: Represent tasks such as saving, deleting, or sharing with intuitive visuals.

  • Status indicators: Communicate information like battery levels, Wi-Fi status, or loading progress.

  • Education: Serve as visual aids in manuals, infographics, and presentations to improve understanding.

How to create an icon?

Step 1

Create an account

Sign up to start your icon generation journey. Try our 7-day free trial, and you'll gain access to all design tools and features.

Step 2

Give a few ideas a try

Open the tool “AI Images” and describe your icon. Experiment with various design elements like colors, details, fonts and styles to craft an icon that matches your wishes. Resize for the format you need!

Step 3

Download your icon

Download your icon as a high-resolution, transparent icon in a file format such as PNG, or as a JPEG for non-transparent use, and use it anywhere you need: on your website, app, or in presentations.

Create more with Photoroom

Create a logo
Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect logo in minutes.
Create a poster
Endless designs fueled by AI. Create your ideal poster in just minutes.
Create a birthday card
Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect birthday card in minutes.
Generate images with AI
Transform words into visuals with our AI-powered text-to-image tool AI Images, accessible in just a few clicks.
Create text visuals
Create your personalized text with our AI-powered text maker.
Create quotes visuals
Generate memorables quotes in minutes with AI.

You asked, we answered

  • What is an icon?

  • How is Photoroom’s icon maker different?

  • Can I create different icon designs for different use cases like navigation, branding or for presentations?

  • Is it possible to create an icon from scratch, or do I need to use a pre-made design?

  • Can I personalize the icon design with unique fonts, and colors?

  • Can I create an icon for free?