Photoroom API Partner Plan

Affordable pricing for high image volume consumer facing apps
Deze merken vertrouwen op Photoroom

Partner with Photoroom

If you own a customer-facing app, process 100k images per month, and you’re willing to share the Photoroom logo on your public user interface, you can access an exceptional price of $0.01 per image.

Eligibility criteria

In order to qualify for the API Partner plan, you must meet all the business criteria and Photoroom conditions:

  • You process at least 100,000 images per month to pay $1000/month. Other discounts are not valid with the Partner offer.

  • Your app is consumer-facing.

  • Your app doesn’t provide a similar or competing service with Photoroom.

Terms and conditions

  • You agree to allow Photoroom to display your logo on our website, or your client logo if you're developing an application for a client.

  • In your app or on your website, your customers see the Photoroom logo for every background removal. Tapping the Photoroom logo links to on the web, to the Photoroom mobile app on mobile. Note: you don’t need to add the Photoroom logo to the edited image. Failure to apply leads to the immediate removal of the API access.

  • Your website has a link to saying "Backgrounds removed with Photoroom" on its home page.

  • After 6 months of subscription to the API Partner Plan to continue to your partner pricing, you authorize Photoroom to publish a case study and a quote about your use case and observed key performance indicators (KPIs).

How to enroll in the API Partner plan

Step 1

Enable your API key and subscribe

Enable your API key and subscribe to the partner plan from our pricing page (click on “sign up” follow the prompts to payment)

Step 2

Email us your details

Email with the following details:

Your company’s name

Links where we can access your app

How you’ll use the Photoroom API in your app or on your website

The email address you used to enable your API key

A video of the Photoroom logo displayed and linking to Photoroom’s app or website

Confirmation that you can commit to at least 100k images (that is $1000) every month

Step 3


After you’ve sent us the info, we’ll review your website and/or app to ensure you’re eligible.

In the event, we determine you’re not eligible we will follow up with you to change your subscription.

You asked, we answered

  • I don’t meet the API Partner plan eligibility, but I process a high volume of images?

  • How should the Photoroom logo look in my app to meet your guidelines?

  • Technically speaking how can I show the Photoroom logo in my UI?

  • Which Photoroom logo should I use?

  • Which Photoroom links should I use?

  • Do you have an affiliate model?

  • I have another question