AI 影像擴展工具

使用 AI 擴展變更相片素材的用途,或復原邊框版面配置外的物品。利用向外擴展技術建立驚人相片,無須損失品質。即將在網頁版推出!


步驟 1


確保您的行動裝置有安裝 Photoroom 應用程式,接著開啟應用程式並上傳影像以開始旅途。目前該功能僅適用於 iOS。即將在所有平台推出!

步驟 2


現在點擊「調整大小」。然後選擇想將圖片調整成什麼大小,例如「Instagram 限時動態」。我們的 AI 將自動填補影像中缺少的部分。

步驟 3


透過無限可能增強影像!新增圖層、文字、貼圖或產生 AI 陰影——全都能在同一應用程式完成。讓您的傑作真正屬於自己!


透過 AI 探索各種機會以加強影像。您能使用 Photorooms 的 AI 擴展調整邊框問題、保留放大的視覺效果,或將垂直影像變更成水平。以我們的「調整大小」功能完成影像。無論是社群媒體貼文或是行銷資產,都能利用 AI 擴展最佳化您的視覺內容,同時確保影像品質以及解析度。


透過 AI 擴展解鎖各種影像變化,確保各項都符合您的設計目標。無論是製作吸引人的廣告、加強海報和資訊圖表,或是為 Instagram 等平台或網路商店建立驚人相片均適用。


身為企業主,您不該只因為角度不符預期就重拍相片。請放心,有了 Photoroom 的 AI 擴展模式,您就能輕鬆延伸影像且無須犧牲影像品質。我們注重在向使用者提供 360 度全面性影像編輯工作流程,涵蓋產品攝影自始至終的所有面向。

探索更多 AI 工具

AI 背景移除器
使用 AI 產生影像
只須點幾下,即可透過運用 AI 的文字轉影像工具「AI 影像」將文字轉為圖片。
AI 背景
一秒內生成逼真 AI 背景。
Blur the background of your image automatically
AI 修圖
Remove unwanted parts of your image with a swipe

All the photo editing features for your brand

Create and edit visuals easily with Photoroom’s tools. Keep your brand looking sharp and consistent . All in one place.

Erase background

Remove backgrounds in just one click, making it easy to place your subject on a new backdrop.


Swap out backgrounds effortlessly to match your brand’s style and create the perfect setting for any image.

使用 AI 產生影像

Create visuals by describing your concept, using AI to generate eye-catching content without stock photos.

Enhance your images

Adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness to perfect every detail. Fine-tune your photos for a perfect look.

Add effects and filters

Transform your photos. Whether you want a vintage feel, vibrant colors, or text overlays, it’s all just a click away

Share and export

Export your designs and easily share your creations across social media, websites, or marketing materials.

Resize your images

Resize your images for different platforms without losing quality. Optimize your designs with a click.

Collaborate easily

Work together in real-time with your team. Share designs and streamline feedback to keep projects moving.

API integration

Use Photoroom's API to automate workflows and simplify the way you manage and edit your brand’s visuals.


Customize your images with text overlays. Choose from a variety of styles to create engaging messages.

Use Batch Mode

Save time by editing multiple images at once. Apply the same edits, effects, or resizing options across an entire batch.

AI Backgrounds Generator

Generate custom backgrounds with AI for a perfect match with your brand’s aesthetic.

Create a brand kit

Store your logos, fonts, and colors in one place to keep your branding consistent, ensuring a unified look.

Create logos with AI

Easily create a unique logo with AI. Photoroom’s AI logo generator simplifies the process, in seconds.

Access anywhere

Edit and manage your brand’s visuals from any device. Your designs are always within reach.


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進一步使用 PhotoRoom

想解鎖更多功能,讓照片更加出眾嗎?只要有 PhotoRoom Pro,您就能使用批次處理編輯器、高畫質、智慧調整尺寸等實用功能。