The best things in life are three

International Threesome Month is a new global awareness month that celebrates the genius of threesomes–and launches September 1st. To mark this momentous occasion, Photoroom polled 1,050 US consumers and 1,109 UK consumers to find the best trios ever in food, music, screen entertainment, romance and business.

Here are the results



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❤️ Best romantic threesome

  • Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler, Ashley Wilkes (21.5%) of Gone with the Wind was the US fan favourite. Ahead of Jack, Rose, Cal (20.9%) of Titanic, and Bella, Edward, Jacob (11.8%) in Twilight.

  • The UK love for Titanic still goes on, with Jack, Rose and Cal rated top romantic threesome (21.6%). Bridget Jones, Mark Darcy, Daniel Cleaver (17.9%) of Bridget Jones took second place, and Scarlett, Rhett and Ashley (16.7%) of Gone with the Wind came in third.

🖥️ Best business threesome

The one category US and UK respondents agreed upon was the best cofounder trio.

  • Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, co-founders of Apple, topped both the US (44.1%) and UK (47.4%) polls, ahead of Youtube founders Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim (21.1% and 22.3% respectively).

  • Third place goes to Paypal co-founders Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, Luke Nosek (12.1% and 12.3%).

Best photography threesome

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